I think I really found something in this strip. That cloud of dust in the second panel was my first attempt at doing art without an outline. Look to see me experiment more in this area in the future.
I think I really found something in this strip. That cloud of dust in the second panel was my first attempt at doing art without an outline. Look to see me experiment more in this area in the future.
It’s funny, but even after 15 years, I find myself trying new techniques in my own work, too! Amazing what happens when we leave that ‘comfort zone’ we all hear about!
Keep playing around while doing your thing.
Yeah – I just finished up a 1 pager for someone else )that I’m very excited about.) The person that I was creating it for, gave me some editing suggestions and they were right in every case. I learned a whole lot from this experience.
I will keep trying new things – that’s a Guarantee!